
How to get a crush in koukou gurashi
How to get a crush in koukou gurashi

A music-loving, kuudere introvert who loves sheep. A really boring guy who doesn't like or dislike anything. A positive, flirty, athletic guy who dislikes perverts. All students have a depression stat, a kindness stat, a. See old wiki here for archived information on versions before V0.28. It is currently in development and was previously known as Shiros Highschool Crisis Impact (prior to V0.16) and Koukou Gurashi (prior to V0.28). Watching Anime, reading Manga, and playing Video-Games will make your character happy unless their Depression is 50 or more. For example, if your character doesnt like anime they cant watch anime. Many items will not be available until a required achievement has been unlocked. The items they purchase can be accessed when changing appearance at home. Many Home Actions have stat requirements. The thrift store is one of several places the player character can go shopping. The mechanic is divided into talking about classmates, various conversational topics, and miscellaneous options such as asking others to follow you. Talking to other characters is how the player makes friendships, relationships, and enemies. An extremely negative bully who hates almost everything. Koukou Gurashi Official Site How To Get Away. Home Actions are used to change your characters stats and to study. Talking is one of Daigaku Gurashis main mechanics. '(╯° °)╯You ruined it!! You killed the magic!!' First thing first. THANK YOU.Edit 2 Editing YOUR Student File: 3 Personality: 4 Interests: Or a YamiToast would have it. THIS IS A BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE GAME FILES IF YOU ARE NOT CONFIDENT IN YOUR ABILITY TO EDIT FILES OR DON'T WANT TO EDIT FILES, THEN PLEASE LEAVE NOW. You can set out to become the most popular student, play matchmaker, build a harem, spy on people, or just bully everyone. The characters are randomly generated at the start, they interact dynamically, and form opinions on each other.

how to get a crush in koukou gurashi

If his crush cheats on him, he won't care since he's very open-minded.Koukou Gurashi is an anime themed social simulator that includes making friends, enemies, dating, and bullying. You killed the magic' As most games have it, there are in-game files that the games use to edit, keep track of, and run the game. If he becomes romantically involved with anyone, he will be loyal and won't cheat on his crush. Kuuhaku is only attracted to female students. Be sure to explain in detail what is happening.

how to get a crush in koukou gurashi

So I made a new game trying to have all the same opinions as her, and eventually I was able to crush on her. If your game still isnt running, post in the comments below, and I will answer your query. He wears black socks in his casual outfit when you invite him over to your house. Ive memorized everything about her basically. Kuuhaku wears nothing else than his white t-shirt and dark blue pants. It's difficult to develop a positive relationship with him because he's indifferent about every possible interest. Kuuhaku is a male student with dark "Bad Assassin" hair and black "Easygoing" eyes.

How to get a crush in koukou gurashi